Bulgarian Wine Dinner

What a way to start the month of May! Last Thursday we had a wonderful wine dinner hosted by our Bulgarian importer Georgi and two of his winemaker friends, Petar and Radostin. 
It was such an educational and tasty evening as we learnt about the Bulgarian wine industry along with all of their journeys into the world of wine. Bulgaria is such an exciting place with native grapes to explore with a new modern way of winemaking while staying true to tradition and heritage.

Below is what guests enjoyed from Petar, Radostin and the kitchen at The Bath Arms.

On Arrival – Canapés served with Pink Side of Rubin, Thracian Valley £19.99

To Begin – Chargrilled paprika chicken skewers, shopska salad, lemon & oregano dressing
Wine Match: FRIENDSIPs Sauvignon Blanc & Dimyat, Thracian Valley £14.49

The Middle – Slow roast pork belly, crackling, roast aubergine, pepper & white bean ragu, garlic & dill baked new potatoes, flatbread
Wine Match: Single Vineyard Rubin, Thracian Valley £23.99
Wine Match: Novi Izvor Mavrud, Thracian Valley £23.99

The Finale- Honey baklava, Kiselo mlyako yoghurt, pomegranates
Wine Match: Tsarev Brod Winery Ice Riesling, Black Sea Coast £22.99